
Technology( 技術)・Art( 表現)・Nature( 自然) を融合し
We are exploring how architecture can respond to the rapidly
and dramatically changing needs of society. We aim to create
innovative things by combining technology, artistic expression,
and nature, collaborating with like-minded people from across
fields who are open-minded, curious, and adventurous.
1983 年長崎生まれ。2009 年に明治大学大学院建築学科博士
前期課程を修了。 坂茂建築設計にて大分県立美術館、山梨の別荘
やコンペなど携わり2013 年STUDIO TAN を福岡で設立。
Born in Nagasaki in 1983. Completed the Master's program
at Meiji University Graduate School of Architecture in 2009.
Worked for Shigeru Ban Architects on the Oita Prefectural
Art Museum, a villa in Yamanashi, and other design
competitions, and founded STUDIOTAN in Fukuoka in 2013.